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Tender Management Services


Often clients seek our help and expertise to obtain planning approval and produce set of technical drawings to be approved by Building Control.

Usually, for smaller domestic projects, the technical drawings we produce offer enough information for contractors to price against and build from. However, some clients ask us to produce a higher specification set of tender drawings that look to specify elements of the building in much greater detail, enabling more accurate pricing from the contractor. Furthermore, these set of drawings can be used as a reference point for what has and hasn’t been included in the contractors pricing if any financial disputes arise throughout the construction.

As a minimum, we would always produce additional architecture drawings including a proposed electrical layout plan and a proposed finishes plan. Depending on the scale and complexity of your project we may produce further architectural drawings, which may also require the expertise and coordination of other professional consultants.

For residential and commercial new build schemes we would always recommend that a set of tender drawings are produced. The size and complexity of these schemes means there is a much greater opportunity for pricing errors and misinterpretation of construction if a higher specified set of architecture drawings are not provided.

As part of this service, we would also assist in securing a contractor. We will liaise directly with various contractors (depending on their availability) to obtain detailed quotes to undertake your construction work. Upon receipt of the contractors quotes we will also provide a tender comparison analysis to help you distinguish between the costings of the quotes provided.

If you would like our help in obtaining quotes for your construction work or tender management, then please contact us and we can provide you with a fee proposal to undertake the work.

Contract Administrators

We understand that for some people, particularly those who are not familiar with the industry, the thought of embarking on a construction project can be overwhelming. However, having a knowledgeable and trustworthy consultant on board to guide you through the process can be invaluable.

We offer a service to be commissioned as lead consultant and act as Contract Administrators throughout the duration of your project between yourself and your contractor. As part of this service, we will act on your behalf to deal with: on-site queries, conduct regular site visits, and provide detailed construction drawings and information.

Our fees for this service are usually determined as a percentage of the overall contract sum, however in some cases we provide a fixed fee or even an hourly rate.

If you are interested in appointing us as Contract Administrators then please contact us for more information.

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